Here's the problem: I had to buy all these bananas from the local co-op, and all their bananas are on the yellow-green side, not the yellow-brown side of ripeness. This meant, one- that I kept eating them, and two- when I finally had enough for the cake and the 3 loaves, they still were hardly "ripe", which means not as easy to mush. When you thaw bananas that have been in the freezer for awhile, they just squeeze right out of the peel and practically mush themselves (it's kind of gross). The yellow ones would take some work, so I decided to use the kitchen aid. In the past when I've made multiple loaves of banana bread, I made each loaf seperate. This time I decided to just triple the batch and split it between the 3 loaf pans. I didn't know if it would work, but it seemed easier. I started with the dry ingredients, and just stirred them up in the kitchen aid. Easy. Except it practically filled the thing. (I also used about half wheat flour instead of all white). I dumped that into another bowl, then started on the wet ingredients.
So I might like the ginger in this bread more than the average person- which results in my "1 cup" of chopped ginger looking like this!
Now that I had a big bowl of dry ingredients and a big bowl of wet ingredients- I needed a super huge bowl to mix them in. This is something you can do if you happen to be married to a ceramic artist and you own enormous ceramic bowls (that happen to be heavy as hell and are really only used for things like this, or if you are making a salad for about fifteen people). If you aren't married to a ceramic artist (I'm sorry for you) you can maybe use a stock pot or a big kettle, or a 5 gallon bucket- you can make this batch as big as you've got the bowl to hold it in. That's the rule. However, having a batch this big means it's a little harder to stir it all up, so you'll find unincorporated chunks of flour at the bottom. Try to get those all mixed in or you'll have ugly flour chunks in your finished loaves of bread.
The test was a success- all 3 seemed to be mixed well and they turned out fine. Next time, I might only make a double batch, or- if I can wait that long- as many as I have enough bananas in the freezer for.
When you spend all day in the kitchen, it's important to stop every once in awhile to give kitties some attention.
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